Monday 29 June 2020

Ki o rohi

Today we play Ki o rohi and that was fun and we start the game we have 1 point and the other team have no point when we have a 5 point they have 2 point and I don't know how to play and the other team was no good and my team all my team was the best and the strong and the other team was lot of girl  and that is my first time I play and learn how to play ki o rohi when  my team turn I went to the whare ako for the year 8 boys camp when the meeting finnish We came to our class and to blog post.

Friday 19 June 2020

biosphere 2

 today we a watching video about the living Earth and the biosphere 2.

Friday 5 June 2020

My taha challenge TE WHARE TAPA WHA

this week I did my taha challenge and all my taha challenge is all done and I wrok with my friend and we helpful