Monday 10 August 2020



Keep Add Stop TWTW Why do we have these events.

yrs 7 & 8 leader

Yr 7 Leaders what they said.                                         
1: Incourging others.
2: Being a Good rolmodle. 
3: Steping out of there comfertzone.
4: Helping one another.
5: Setting an exsample.
6: Getting to know people.
7: Participating.
8: Trying new things.
9: Team Work.
10: Getting ready for the challenges ahead.

Yr 8 Leaders what they said.  
1: Showing leadership.
2: Being a leader.
3: Showing the way.
4: Prepering for the future.
5: Incourgeing new things. 
6: Prepering for the challenges ahead.
7: Steping up.
8: Helping Lead
9: Good rolmodle
10:Comunitcating with others.

the yrs7

On wednesday we start up with a team and leadership and we have 3 team first is duck life next team strikers and team thunder and and the team leader we have 4 leadres ,

Highlight for the first day
1) name for the team 

2)change of team that was fun

3)and we do sport on after lunchtime

Lowlight for the 3 days 

1) so boring and  because I go play by mysalf